Anju Panta
Total 622 Credits
SANJEEV SINGH Popular Songs : Chulesima, Gori Yata Sunana, Ramailo Cha, Nirmaya, Muglan, Jaba Samma, Timi Ra Ma About Most popular and soulful pop artist Sanjeev Singh needs no introduction. His songs like Chulesima, Gori Yata Sunana, Muglan, Nirmaya etc are still on the lips of many Nepali music lovers. He is also a very good music composer as he composes most of his songs by himself. ...
Popular Songs : Chulesima, Gori Yata Sunana, Ramailo Cha, Nirmaya, Muglan, Jaba Samma, Timi Ra Ma
Most popular and soulful pop artist Sanjeev Singh needs no introduction. His songs like Chulesima, Gori Yata Sunana, Muglan, Nirmaya etc are still on the lips of many Nepali music lovers. He is also a very good music composer as he composes most of his songs by himself.
Early Years
Sanjeev Singh spent his childhood in his maternal grandparents home where he learned music with his uncles who were musicians. At one time he stopped music due to some family issues but his friends and family encouraged him to come back to music field once again. He went to United Kingdom for his personal reason though his passion was always in music so he came back to Nepal with new creation to cater his fans.
Musical Career
Sanjeev Singh began his musical journey from an early age of 14 singing along with senior bands like Rodi and Masan Singh Nepali in hotels in Kathmandu. His first song 'Chulesima' was a big hit. His other soul touching hit songs are Chulesima, Gori Yata Sunana, Ramailo Cha, Nirmaya, Muglan, Jaba Samma, Timi Ra Ma and many more. Sanjeev also wrote, composed and sung for the movie 'Raghav' which was appreciated by the audience. He is again involved in making music for Raghav 2. He recently released his previous song 'Gori Yeta Sunana' in a reprised version, composed and written by him. He dedicated his album 'Muglan' to Nepalese Army as the term Muglan is related to them in Nepali society and culture.
Total 622 Credits
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