Yam Baral
Dilmaya Dilmaya
Yam Baral
Yam Baral
  • 43 credits
  • 1 year ago

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Haataima je dhulo
Jharey pachi tei sunn ko phool
Harayekai maya thulo
Khai kasko bhul
Dil maya, dil maya khai kasko bhul
Dil maya, dil maya khai kasko bhul

Najikai ko junkiri lai dekhdainan koi pani
Junn tara lai herera kalpini jo pani
Diyo muni andhyaro cha
Khai kasko bhul
Dil maya, dil maya khai kasko bhul
Dil maya, dil maya khai kasko bhul

Jasle badi ruwaucha usaiko samjhana
Napauni maya ko aai rahani sapana
Maya mitho chuddha matrai
Khai kasko bhul
Dil maya, dil maya khai kasko bhul
Dil maya, dil maya khai kasko bhul
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