Hari Bansha Acharya, Shashi Rawal
Note Note
Hari Bansha Acharya
Hari Bansha Acharya
  • 52 credits
  • 7 years ago

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Note Note Note.....
(Herda Jabo Kagaj
Yesko Katro Tagat)x2
(Aafaile Chape Samaune
Kasari Hola Kamaune)x2
Yo Note Note Note....
(Bank Lute Kuti Dinchan Ghar
Forey Kuti Dinchan)x2
(Kahi Pani Bhetiyena
Paisa Falne Bot Bot Bot...)x2


Saila Sadhai Bhanchau Paisa Paisa
Saila Kina Bhanchau Paisa Paisa
(Paisa Bhanda Amulya Cha
Hera Mero Baisa)x2
(Saili Ke Garchau Ra
Dui Dine Baisa Le)x2
(Je Garnu Cha Garcha)X2
(Yehi Paapi Paisa Le)X4


(Lakhau Ko Bhau Cha Hai
Ghar Jagga Aana Ko
Aafno Ta Ghar Cha Hai
Chuhine Chana Ko)x2
Swis Ko Ghadi Crore Ko Gadhi
Hamilai Chahi Aarab Ko Khadi
(Herda Jabo Kagaj
Yesko Katro Tagat)x2
(Aafaile Chape Samaune
Kasari Hola Kamaune)x2
Yo Note Note Note....
Saila Sadhai Bhanchau Paisa Paisa
Saila Kina Bhanchau Paisa Paisa
(Paisa Bhanda Amulya Cha
Hera Mero Baisa)x2
(Saili Ke Garchau Ra
Dui Dine Baisa Le)x2
(Je Garnu Cha Garcha)X2
(Yehi Paapi Paisa Le)X4
Chords Not Available Right Now

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