Aakash Tamang
Jau Bhanera
Aakash Tamang
Aakash Tamang
  • 4 credits
  • 7 years ago

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(Jau bhanera bolako timile
Timi bhane arkai lai man dine) X2
Huna ta…. ahai…. timi le man choryeu
(Malai chodi arkai lai angaleu) X2


(Ma ta thiye maya ko pujari) X2
(Ke payera maya yo lagai) X2
Hasthe ma ta timi sanga
Jaile ni… lahai… Jaile ni… jaile ni
Ruwai halyou timile aile ni ..
(Timi bhane arkai lai man dine) X2

La la la la la


(Ke payeu ra aru sanga gayera) X2
(Galti mero ke nai po thiyo ra) X2
Hasthe ma ta timi sanga
Jaile ni… lahai… Jaile ni…
Ruwai halyeu timile aile ni
(Timi bhane arkai lai man dine) X2

La la la la la la

(Jau bhanera bolako timile
Timi bhane arkai lai man dine) X2
Huna ta…. ahai…. timi le man choryou
(Malai chodi arkai lai angaleu) X2

(Timi bhane arkai lai man dine) X2
Malai chodi arkai lai angaleu
Timi bhane arkai lai man dine
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