Abhaya and The Steam Injuns
Malai Pani
Abhaya and The Steam Injuns
Abhaya and The Steam Injuns
  • 23 credits
  • 7 years ago

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Bhatkiyeka yi mera sapana 
Lutiyeka ti timra sapana
Rahane chaina sadhai bhatkiyera
Udaas yo mero jiwan
Nirash tyo timro jiwan
Rahane chaina sadhai dukhi bhai
Malai pani hasna deu
Malai pani bachna deu
Uslai pani hasna deu
Uslai pani bachna deu


Failiyeka yi mera bandhan
Jheliyeka ti timra bandhan
Rahane chaina sadhai badhiyera
Bhijeko yo mero nayan
Rujheko tyo timro nayan
Rahane chaina sadhai bhijera
Malai pani hasna deu
Malai pani bachna deu
Uslai pani hasna deu
Uslai pani bachna deu


Indradhanus chaune cha
Nabolne le gaune cha
Andhakar ko samrajya yo
Ekdin ta rahane cha
Malai pani bachna deu
Uslai pani hasna deu
Uslai pani bachna deu
Malai pani hasna deu
Uslai pani bachna deu
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