Abhaya and The Steam Injuns
Maajhi Dai
Abhaya and The Steam Injuns
Abhaya and The Steam Injuns
  • 23 credits
  • 7 years ago

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(Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau 
Laijau Unlai Tyo Pari Gau
Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau
But I think it's time to say
But I think it's time to say good bye)X2
(Maajhi Dai Maajhi Dai Nau Khiyau Nau Khiyau)x4
Nahosh Unlai Kunai Surta
Nahosh Kunai Unlai Kasta
Bhetun Unle Tyo Gau Ma
Charai Tira Bato Prashasta
Maajhi Dai
Bitosh Unko Harek Kshyan
Unle Chahe Jastai Gari
Unko Maan Le Mage Jasti
Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau
Laijau Unlai Tyo Pari Gau
Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau
But I think it's time to say
But I think it's time to say good bye
(Maajhi Dai Maajhi Dai Nau Khiyau Nau Khiyau)x4


(Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau
Laijau Unlai Tyo Pari Gau
Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau
But I think it's time to say
But I think it's time to say good bye)X2
(Maajhi Dai Maajhi Dai Nau Khiyau Nau Khiyau)x4
Maajhi Dai Timi Nau Khiyau
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