Dinesh Gautam
Phool Chudera Lagyo
Dinesh Gautam
Dinesh Gautam
  • 11 credits
  • 7 years ago

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Phool chudera lagyo mali herera basyo-2
kati sapana sajai sundar man banayo-2
kina munto chudali mero man yo jalayo
mero man yo jalayo

khola kahile pni ulto bahadaina hera-2
timile chhodera jada mutu chhalkinchha hera
thah thiyena malai yo mutuko polai
jhan jaleko dilma timile koreu salai-2
Phool chudera lagyo mali herera basyo-2
kati sapana sajai sundar man banayo-2
kina munto chudali mero man yo jalayo
mero man yo jalayo

Jivanbhari sukha timile deu malai-2
Yo bhagyama aai khelideu sadhai
hasdai jivan bitaula sangai maya badhaula
yesari nai yo dilma timilai galula
Phool chudera lagyo mali herera basyo-2
kati sapana sajai sundar man banayo-2
kina munto chudali mero man yo jalayo
mero man yo jalayo
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