Kelsang Shrestha
Ma Sanga Hidi Deu
Kelsang Shrestha
Kelsang Shrestha
  • 9 credits
  • 4 years ago

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Sapana ra maya, timi sanga huda
Harauchu ma yaha, tyo dhun sunda
Chitra haru timrai banayera,
Khusukka boldani mann yo ramayera

Yahi chu ma timrai, timi sangai gayi
Maya ka kura ma, mero mann ramayi
Hasauchu ali ali ma timilai
Banauchu geet sabai ma timilai

Ma sanga hidideu, mayako yo bato
Malaini bharideu, timra rangharu le
Ma sanga hidideu, janucha dherai tada yo
Malaini bharideu, maya matrai chahiney
Yo mann

Tesaile timilai mailey mero mutuma sajhai,
Ma ta heri basnechu
Maya lai poko pari, eauta gitma sajhai,
Gayi basnechu

Ma sanga hidideu, mayako yo bato
Malaini bharideu, timra rangharu le
Masanga hidideu

Muhar ma timro haaso kati swayeko,
Mann mero ramayeko hera
Ananya mero git ko shrot timi hau
Sapana sabai malai dekhairahanchau
Rangeen swaroop sadhai banauchau maya

Tesaile timilai mailey mero mutuma sajhai,
Ma ta heri basnechu
Maya lai poko pari, eauta gitma sajhai,
Gayi basnechu

Ma sanga hidideu, mayako yo bato
Malaini bharideu, timra rangharu le
Ma sanga hidideu, janucha dherai tada yo
Malaini bharideu, maya matrai chahiney
Yo mann
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