Rohit John Chettri, Shreya Sotang
Kahani Yo Prem Geetko
Rohit John Chettri
Rohit John Chettri
  • 50 credits
  • 7 years ago

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Mero bhannu timi matrai 
Chaina kohi aafno bhannu
Mata timrai prem honi
Timi mero geet bannu
Yestai mitho bacha bhaye
Dar chodi bichod ko
Har kohile gaune chan
Kahani yo (pren geet ko)x2


Kaha sakchu bhulna maile aba timilai
Balla talla bheteko chu
Chotai chot khaye pachi
Duniyama aru kohi chadaina malai
Yo maya bandhana ma timi bhaye pachi
Sadhai bhari jivanma timrai lagi hasidinchu
Chot lagda timilai aanshu bani bagidinchu
Yestai mitho bacha bhaye
Dar chodi bichod ko
Har kohile gaune chan
Kahani yo (prem geet ko)x2


Aandhi huri badha adchan jeje aauna jivanma
Kawacha bani ubhi dinchu piratiko goretoma
Jati sukai chot dios tusarole shishirma
Barai maasa fuli dinchu timi hidne goretoma
Chaha chaina aru kehi timrai lagi bachidinchu
Marnai pareni aakhirima tirai lagi maridinchu
Yestai mitho bacha bhaye
Dar chodi bichod ko
Har kohile gaune chan
Kahani yo (prem geet ko)x3
M A# ero bhannu  A# timi matrai
C A# haina kohi aaf D# no bhannu
M A# ata timrai p A# rem honi
T A# imi mero ge D# et bannu
Y Gm estai mitho ba A# cha bhaye
D Gm ar chodi bich A# od ko
H Gm ar kohile gaun A# echan
K F ahani yo prem geet ko A#
P F rem geet ko A#


K A# aha sakchu bhulna maile aba t A#/Gm imilai
B A# alla talla bheteko chu chotai chot kh F aye pachi
D A# uniyama aru kohi chad A#/Gm aina malai
Y A# o maya bandhana ma ti F mi bhaye pachi
S A# adhai bhari jivanma timrai lagi ha D# sidinchu
C A# hot lagda timilai aanshu bani b D# agidinchu
T Gm yastai mitho ba A# cha bhaye
D Gm ar chodi bichod A# ko
H Gm ar kohile gau A# ne chan
K F ahani yo prem geetko A#

P F rem geetko A#


A A# andhi huri badha adchan je j A#/Gm e aauna jivanma
K A# awacha bani ubhi dinchu piratiko F goretoma
Jati sukai chot dios tusa A#/Gm role shishirma
B A# arai maasa fuli dinchu timi hidn F e goretoma
C A# haha chaina aru kehi timrai la D# gi bachidinchu
M A# arnai pareni aakhirima tirai la D# gi maridinchu
T Gm yastai mitho ba A# cha bhaye
D Gm ar chodi bichod A# ko
H Gm ar kohile gau A# ne chan
K F ahani yo prem geetko A#

P F rem geetko A#

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