Tadha Jane Maya
Jimmy Rai
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Tadha jane maya timi
Kun sabda le roku
Farkera herana ekchoti
Dui haat failai roirahechu
Ke karan gayau angalenau
Yo mutu lai
Bhool bhaye maaf garana
Tara yasari eklai nachadana
Birsanchau timi thaha cha malai
Komal cha tyo man
Tara kina tadhina khojchau
Bhulayera ti palharu
Sath haru
Sunana aawaj mutu ko
Ukalhi rahecha
Tadpera tadpera timilai
Herana khali cha angalo
Tara bachekai chu ma
Jalai jalai afulai
Ke karan gayau apnayenau mero maya
Bhulauna sakina timra yaad haru
Bhana bujhau kasari
Samjhine maya lai
You are the one
Who makes me cry
Otherwise full of lies
I miss u so much it hurts
But the world's so bad
You don't even care
You are the one
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