Kusum Dahal Bhattarai
Rahar Jati Bhaye Pani
Kusum Dahal Bhattarai
Kusum Dahal Bhattarai
  • 2 credits
  • 7 years ago

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Rahar Jati Bhaye Pani 
Udna jati khoje pani
Pura hune eutai ho
Man le khane eutai ho
Ghumi hidchu duli hidchu
Baralidai tesai hidchu
Jati para puge pani
Farkine ghar mai ho
(Man le khane eutai ho)x3
Farkine ghar mai ho
Man le khane eutai ho


(Badal ko mathi mathi kahile
Joon tara ko gharai ma)x2
Jati nache gaye pani ramaune man ma
Ghumi hidchu duli hidchu
Baralidai tesai hidchu
Jati para puge pani
Farkine ghar mai ho
(Man le khane eutai ho)x2
Farkine ghar mai ho
Man le khane eutai ho
Farkine ghar mai ho


Samundra ko chhal sangai
Saathi sangi kahile
Jata jata bhaye pani
Man hune ho sangai
Samundra ko chhal sangai
Saathi sangi kahile
Ghumi hidchu duli hidchu
Baralidai tesai hidchu
Jati para puge pani
Farkine ghar mai ho
Man le khane eutai ho


(Na judhau aankha haru timile
Aankha ko bhaka baiguni)x2
Jati najar judhe pani
Dubne man eutai ma ho ni
Ghumi hidchu duli hidchu
Baralidai tesai hidchu
Jati para puge pani
Farkine ghar mai ho
(Man le khane eutai ho)x3
Farkine ghar mai ho
Man le khane eutai ho
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