Victor Sherpa
Biteka Pal
Victor Sherpa
Victor Sherpa
  • 2 credits
  • 7 years ago

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Bitekaa pal, chahera bhulau na sakdina - 2 
Aaune bholi ko tyo paal lai
Chainau bhujne kasai le he
Timi nai bhana na, he mero maan
Aakhir kasari thamu ma
Timi nai bhana na, he mero maan
Aakhir kasari thamu ma pida lai
Biteka pal

Khusi chhu ma aaja
Timi mero jivan bata tada tada gayou
Khusi chhu ma aaja
Timi mero jivan bata tada tada gayou
Samaya le timro lukeka chhayan lai
Mero nazar ma na utare ko bahye
Saayad mero maya ko nau, gahirayi ma pugera
Dubaune thiyou timi le
Biteka pal

(Like the stars in the clear night sky,
like the fish among frogs,
you too have shown your true colors /
u 2o have shown ur true colors
when you broke up with me to tell you the truth
I was very happy
Though my heart couldn't resist your departure
If I hadn't gone form this phase
I would have showed you as u love as I did,
& you would have finally left me,
thank god, I wasn't too far in your love
or you would have left me in the middle to the ocean
Now would have been of no where
I'm happy that I can still sail back
& get a new boat to sail on
some still near the shore)

Je bityo metine chhaina
Jo gayo pharka ne aasa chhaina
Hune kura ta bhai gaye
Jane ta gaai gaye
Hune kura ta bhai gaye
Jane ta gaai gaye
Tara mero maan ma
Aaba naya surya udaune chha
Aasa chha malai deepa ko
Tyo paal mero jivan ko pal
Biteka pal
Biteka pal, chahera bhulau na sakdina - 2
Biteka pal...
More Lyrics from Victor Sherpa
[F#]Biteka Palharu..[Cm]...Chah[G#m]er Vulau[C#]n..... Sakdi[F#]n
[F#]Biteka Palharu..[Cm]...Chah[G#m]er Bhulaun[C#].......Sakdi[F#]n
[G#]Aaune Voliko Tyo [C#] Pall[F#]ai,Chhai[G#]nan Bujhne Kasail[F#]e....
Timi Nai Bh[F#]an Na,He Me[C#]ro Man...Aakhir Kasari [G#] Thamu Ma..[F#].
Timi Nai Bh[F#]an Na,He Me[C#]ro Man Aakhir Kasari Th[G#]amu Ma.... [F#]
Mero Pidalai.....B[F#]iteka Palharu... [Cm]..

[F#]Khusi Chhu Ma Aaj,Timi Me[C#]ro Jiwanbat Ta[G#]dha Tadha Gay[F#]eu
[F#]Khusi Chhu Ma Aaj,Timi Me[C#]ro Jiwanbat Tad[G#]ha Tadha Gaye[F#]u
[G#M]Samayale Timro Likeka Chh[F#]ayalai....
Me[G#M]ro Nashama Nau Tare[C#]ko Bha[F#]ye....
Sh[G#M]ayad Mero Mayako Nau,
[G#M]Gahiraima Puger Duba[F#]une Thiyeu Timile.......
[F#]Biteka Palharu......[CM].

[F#]Je Bityo Metine Chhain,J[F#]o Gayo Fakne Aa[G#M]sh Chhain
[Fm]HuneKura Ta [F#]Bhaigaye,Ja[G#m]ne Ta Gai[F#]gaye
[Fm]HuneKura Ta [F#]Bhaigaye,Ja[G#m]ne Ta Gai[F#]gaye
[G#M]Tar Mero Aang[C#M]anma,Bh[G#m]oli Naya Sury[C#M]a Udaunechh[D#]a
Aasha Ch[F#]ha Malai,Tyahi Pa[C#m]lko,Tyo Pal.[G#m]..
Mero Jiw[F#]anko Pal,Biteka Palharu....[Cm].

[F#]Biteka Palharu..[Cm]...Chah[G#m]er Vulau[C#]n..... Sakdi[F#]n
[F#]Biteka Palharu..[Cm]...Chah[G#m]er Vulau[C#]n..... Sakdi[F#]n
[F#]Biteka Palharu [Cm]

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