Astha Tamang Maskey
Astha Tamang Maskey
Astha Tamang Maskey
  • 18 credits
  • 6 years ago

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You’re hanging on 
Pushing past the pain
I’m going numb
Waiting for fate
To show us a sign
So we could really move on

I need a break
Cause I spent this morning
Lying in bed
I did not want to read
What you had to say

We are sitting here alone in this empty room
Caught up in all these crazy feelings
I don’t know, if they’re real?
And I cannot read your mind
But I can feel your heart
So why don’t you
Lay it on me
I’ll lay it on you

Close your eyes
Don’t worry about
Emotions, your tears, your fears, your doubts
Tonight, just let me
Love you more
Love you more

Tonight, just let me
Love you more
Love you more

I see a wave
Bigger than the last one
Waiting to hit us
Harder than the first one
Feels like I’m drowning
I’m kicking my feet
Trying to stay afloat
So I can breathe

With you by my side
I know we’ll get back up
There’s nothing in this world
That’s ever breaking us

We are sitting here alone
In this empty room
Caught up in all these crazy feelings
I don’t know, if they’re real?
And I cannot read your mind
But I can feel your heart
So why don’t you
Lay it on me
I’ll lay it on you

Close your eyes
Don’t worry about
Emotions, your tears, your fears, your doubts
Tonight, just let me
Love you more
Love you more

Tonight, just let me
(Love you more)x2
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