Hemant Sharma
Hemant Sharma
Hemant Sharma
  • 73 credits
  • 6 years ago

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(Patalile mari malai 
Patali kai maya launi
Juni bhari ruwai malai
Tei mori kai yaad aauni)x2
Jindagi bhari parkhayi rakhi
Dilma chahi sadhai arkai rakhi
Ke po manina bhaneko jati
Ajahi maya laucha ni kati
Jun mayale khayo malai
Tei maya jhan khasa launi
Patalile mari malai
Patali kai maya launi


(Suruma mai honi palkeko
Haina ni khasai salkeko)x2
Furkera ke ke na machchiye
Ahile ma jahile thachchiye
Raja bhani baba bhani
Mai fasdai gaye jaani najani
Kahile kanchu kahile fuchchu
Maile ni bhande lajai namani
Jun mayale bhyayo malai
Tei mayako aasha launi
Patalile mari malai
Patali kai maya launi


(Herdama chandrama fail khane
Pokhiyela jasto thyo jawani)x2
Tei bhayera ho ni faseko
Ke ke na maya paseko
Syau jhai gala suntale otha
Thiyena thau launa lai khota
Bolima nash aherayi ma nasha
Launa lai raicha mai chahi lai dasa
Jun mayale ruwayo malai
Tei mayako chaso launi
Patalile mari malai
(Patali kai maya launi)x2
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