  • 7 credits
  • 6 years ago

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All these motherf*** that surround us 
Tell us were not real and we dont belong
Your tattoes don't cover ur plastic souls
Haters and cutthroats oh f*** you all

So If there's a price we will pay
For all we do and say
And If ur looking for a message in this song
You all so f***ing wrong
Its just something that we have to say
We've had enough with ur shit
Your mind games have gone too far
You cage us in or pull us down
You might win a fight but you'll never win the war
cause we see we can see through ur skin
we can tell ur a fake
You ache to be us
And you call us, call us a mistake
You lead when u bleed
Well we're coming after u
So run motherf***
but u won't get far
Run motherf*** run
Now It's time to
Start pushing back
It's time to
Take what is ours
It's time to
F*** this system up
Cause ur a dying leaf
Scared of the autumn wind
Your cheap charades
They won't help u win
You deplete a generation
Who bleed on your demand
You slick motherf***
Deserve to be hanged
so if there's a price well pay
For all we do and say
Chords Not Available Right Now

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