  • 7 credits
  • 6 years ago

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I am still falling closer to the end again
Not knowing when I'm gonna hit the bottom
You are still this part of me
Even though I said that I never cared
Knowing what I've done
know what I'm becoming

Well face down I am burning
I am running with blisters
My mind feeds to watching
Her walk from the distance
Knowing what I've done
Know what I'm becoming

Pull down the strings of will now
Take you down

(I would give it all away
If only I could
I would give it all away
If only you would)x2

(If I could turn back time)x2

Don't forgive me
it's hard enough to forgive myself
I slit my wrist and just leave me
Bleeding dry now tear aside from me
I don't wanna be here anymore
Living a lie chasing a dream (chasing a dream)

Well face down I am burning
I am running with blisters
My mind feeds to watching
Her walk from the distance
Knowing what I've done
Know what I'm becoming

Pull down the strings of will now
Take you down

(I would give it all away
If only I could
I would give it all away
If only you would)x2
Chords Not Available Right Now

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